Friday, May 22, 2015

The reason for this blog

I used to want to write a book about my journey, the journey of recovery from an eating disorder. I never wrote the book. I didn't know how to make the story of my journey into a book. My journey seemed to non-linear. I cold write the story sequentially, but I'd be sure to leave out important parts and some pieces don't necessarily make much sense when looking at it sequentially. That's why it makes more sense to me now, several years after having lived through it, because I've pieced things together that didn't make sense at the time.

There was also the overwhelming prospect of, supposing I ever did finish writing the book, managing to get it published and "out there" enough to help people. It wasn't a money-making endeavor. I just wanted to be able to share some perspectives that helped me, perspectives that changed my life.

It only recently occurred to me that if I wrote it as a blog instead of a book, all those problems go away. I can write the story by topics. I can rewrite the same part of the story many times in different posts. There's no minimum or maximum page limit. I don't have to get it published. I can share it whenever it seems applicable, and anyone else can share it whenever they want, and no one has to invest any money into it.

So here I am, writing my journey, finally. Enjoy the journey!

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